Thursday, April 28, 2011

Blog Assignment 4A

Digital media lets you connect with others that you would not have the chance to in any other form of communication.  We were unable to make these connections a few years ago, but now we have the oppurtunity. Connecting through digital media lets you touch others and influence them which is the reason why we connect.  The future is all about making connections unlike the past.  Instead of interacting with people we know, we can make connections to anyone in the world through digital media
Art lets you change the way people view things.  It does not follow instructions, but lets you express your full creativity.  It is also a way to connect yourself to other people.  It is a risky form of communicating, but it also has a great reward of impacting somebody’s life and change the way that they view the world.  It gives you the ability to create something new, that others may not think of.

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